The Illusionaire

The Illusionaire

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10/02/2020 until 11/07/2020

Review by Warren Wills

On the face of it, as promoted by both the title, Illusionaire, and the smoggy Jack the Ripper style Victorian era poster, the evening of wondrous intrigue and a tempting hint of some dark arts set the stall out in a way that promised much. 
However, this is in essence an old school family treat. One for the kids to marvel, frolic and enjoy each new piece of wondrous deception. 

Our bubbly erstwhile Sicilian hosts have the skill set and story telling smarts to pull off a weird wily and wonderful romp that supports the dark style of their marketing image, but in fact what we got was a delightful old school, sleight of hand magic show.

The duo is a throwback to yesteryear, but with great awash and buckle, flare and huge dollops of family fun.
Sam Angelico, an experienced veteran of a thousand plus magic shows, leads from the front, taking us through the optical impossibilities. 

Since David Blane and Dynamo and even the “Got Talent” franchise hit our screens, to the Vegas inspired Illusionist and Cirque du Soleil franchises stormed our stage, magic has evolved. The story telling, hipness, razzle-dazzle lights, wow factor, coolness, smartness and ingenuity of the modern day tricks are commonplace.

Thus our expectations have moved on. There was therefore something nostalgic, and touching to ponder and bathe in this unpretentious warming fare and old school entertaining in the character, chatter and delivery Sam gave us.

His sidekick, looking every inch his Sicilian niece, but no doubt not the slim scantily clad associate sawed in a box, dazzled with a few sleight of hand marvels of her own, Rosanna Maccarrone, worked hard, and did her diligent best to be heard, over a relentless Dean Martin “Amore” inspired soundtrack.

The on stage set of Chinese partitions and assorted late Victorian baubles snd curiosities offered up an old fashioned, almost a “dirty secret” world of closeup optic chicanery.

The show included a mentalist “guess Australia location”, card in a lemon, moms ashes flying the table routines amongst a half dozen other amiable deceptions.

Certainly one to take the kids, so grab them away from the computers and head to the Athenaeum for lots of genuine big family smiles. 


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