Goodbye Mrs Blore

Goodbye Mrs Blore

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23/08/2019 until 01/09/2019

Review written by Cassie Cheeseman

The intimate and wonderful Goodbye Mrs Blore is now playing at Hunters Hill Theatre. Goodbye Mrs Blore clocks in with a cast of just two as the audience is left to focus on the dialogue and interactions without the fan-fair of a usual production.

Goodbye Mrs Blore is set in Victoria, Australia over a 30 year period from 1964-1991. What begins as a forced relationship between a doctor and her patient slowly blooms into a friendship which withstands more than its fair share of tribulations and scandal. It is incredibly pleasant to watch as these two headstrong women navigate an era of changing attitudes towards women and the challenges they face as a result of both this and their own personal circumstances. As the title may suggest, terminal illness does strike during the play, and having observed the two become so dependant on one another’s companionship, these scenes were highly emotional.

Claudia Bedford stars as the young and vibrant Dr Julia Lewis alongside Elizabeth Lynch as Kelly Blore. With almost 2.5 hours of pure dialogue between the two, both are deserving of high praise for having smoothly navigated the extremely difficult script of Goodbye Mrs Blore. The two actresses interact beautifully and have a wonderful chemistry that perfectly suits the production. Special praise is owed to Claudia Bedford, who with little more than a weeks’ notice overtook the role of Dr Julia Lewis. A script is used surreptitiously through the production and does little to impact the performance.

Time and time again Hunters Hill Theatre continues to pay attention to the small elements of scene setting. From ensuring prop lights work to using time-authentic pieces it would seem that no detail is too insignificant for this theatre company. This has a significant effect on the production and allows the audience to easily become immersed in the production. Recognition is owed to the entire creative team for giving this production all the love and care possible.

With a highly relateable cast in a friendly and welcoming venue, Goodbye Mrs Blore is unlike any other production currently available in Sydney. Go see it this weekend and enjoy the experience of being a fly on the wall in the comings and goings of two ordinary women in the mid 1900’s of suburban Victoria.

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